Beak Fresh
(Green Heron)
Smallest of the North American herons, the Green is always a joy to behold. Each time one surprises me, suddenly breaking its motionless perch or flying noisily into the scene, I still think, “Oh. Little Green Heron.” A more authoritative birder would correct me if I said that out loud because they are only known as Green Herons today. But as a kid, my birding day would be made by finding the “Little Green.”
Comparing this print with the next, you’ll see how different Greens may appear depending on their activity. They can stretch their long necks in territorial display, shorten them in repose, or flex them tightly, ready to strike their next meal.
Watch for their glossy black cap and nape (raised or slicked back) to separate them from another of the marsh hunters, the Least Bittern.